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The Art of Sir William Orpen

The dazzling Irish painter created portraits with an amazing force of precision.

ne of my favorite artists has always been the great Irish painter Sir William Orpen (1878 - 1931). His masterful portraits are extraordinarily vivid, the combined product of superb draftsmanship, rich color, and an unerring control of tonal values. He was first and foremost a painter—the strong, decisive brushstrokes are placed with athletic vigor and uncanny accuracy. There never seems to be an ounce of hesitancy or indecision—every stroke registers like a clear, precise note of music. I offer four examples for you to study:

1. President Woodrow Wilson

Here we see Orpen's famous study of President Woodrow Wilson, hanging today in the White House. This astonishing tour de force is reputed to have been completed in an hour and a half! (One of my own sitters, Mr. John J. McCloy of New York, actually watched as the painting was done, at the Palace of Versailles, following World War I.) The artist has stated the sober architecture of the head with uncompromising accuracy. The facial expression is thoughtful, resolute, and a bit sad. The white background drape contrasts with the rich blacks of the coat. The unfinished effect of the lower portion heightens the sense of immediacy. Does portraiture ever get better than this?

1919, Oil on canvas
The White House, Washington

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